Recent Storm Damage Posts

Prepare and Protect: Expert Storm Season Tips from SERVPRO® of Norman

6/11/2024 (Permalink)

Storm damage in Oklahoma City at home roof repairs The scene underscores the destructive power of severe weather and the urgent need for professional restoration services.

As storm season sweeps through Norman, Oklahoma, it’s crucial for residents and business owners to stay vigilant and prepared. The severe weather that often accompanies this time of year can bring a host of challenges, from heavy rains and flooding to damaging winds and hail. At SERVPRO® of Norman, we understand the unique risks our community faces and are committed to providing the expertise and resources needed to weather any storm. Our team of highly trained professionals is on standby 24/7, ready to respond to any storm-related emergency with swift and effective solutions. Whether it's water extraction, structural drying, or full-scale restoration, we have the tools and experience to restore your property to its pre-storm condition.

Preparation is key to minimizing storm damage, and SERVPRO® of Norman encourages everyone to take proactive steps to protect their homes and businesses. Simple measures such as securing outdoor furniture, maintaining clear gutters, and having an emergency plan in place can make a significant difference. Additionally, our comprehensive storm readiness services include thorough inspections and customized preparedness plans tailored to your specific needs. Should the worst happen, remember that SERVPRO® of Norman is just a phone call away. Our goal is to make storm recovery as seamless and stress-free as possible, ensuring that our community remains resilient and safe throughout the storm season.

Cleanup Tips for Managing Debris and Fallen Trees Post-Storm

1/17/2024 (Permalink)

After the fury of a storm has passed, the daunting task of cleanup and restoration begins. Debris scattered and fallen trees can pose safety hazards and impede the recovery process. At SERVPRO of Norman, we understand the challenges homeowners face in the aftermath of storms. In this blog, we'll discuss effective strategies and safety measures for clearing debris and fallen trees after a storm to help you restore your property safely and efficiently.

Safety First: Assessing the Situation

Before starting cleanup, assess the area for potential hazards like downed power lines, unstable structures, or hidden debris. Safety is key. For large or hazardous debris, seek professional help like SERVPRO®. Our trained experts possess the skills and equipment to handle complex cleanup tasks safely.

Managing Debris Cleanup

  1. Sorting Debris: Segregate debris into categories like organic (tree branches, leaves) and non-organic (damaged structures, furniture) for efficient disposal.
  2. Proper Disposal: Follow local regulations for disposing of storm debris. Utilize designated disposal sites or hire waste removal services.
  3. Protective Gear: Wear appropriate gear such as gloves, boots, and masks to protect against sharp objects or hazardous materials.

Clearing Fallen Trees

Exercise caution when removing fallen trees. Assess the tree's stability and consider hiring professionals for large or precarious trees. Use proper cutting techniques and equipment like chainsaws to safely remove branches and sections of fallen trees. Determine if the tree can be salvaged for lumber or if it needs to be cut into manageable sections for disposal.

How SERVPRO® Can Assist

At SERVPRO of Norman, our team specializes in storm damage restoration, including debris cleanup and tree removal. We're equipped with industry-standard tools and expertise to handle even the most challenging cleanup tasks.

Post-Cleanup Tips

After clearing debris and fallen trees, inspect your property for structural damage or potential issues caused by the storm. Take photographs or videos of the damage for insurance claims. Keep records of expenses related to cleanup and restoration.

Cleaning up debris and fallen trees after a storm is a challenging yet essential task to restore safety and normalcy to your property. Prioritizing safety, employing proper techniques, and seeking professional assistance when needed are crucial steps in the cleanup process.

Remember, SERVPRO of Norman is here to assist you in restoring your property after storm-related damages. Contact us for prompt and reliable storm damage restoration services!

The Vital Role of Documenting Storm Damage in Norman, OK

9/5/2023 (Permalink)

In Norman, Oklahoma, where unpredictable weather patterns are a part of life, safeguarding your property against storm damage is a responsibility that every homeowner and property owner should take seriously. From powerful windstorms to hail and heavy rains, the potential for damage is real. That's where the importance of documenting storm damage comes into play. In this blog, we'll dive into the significance of documenting storm-related harm to your property and provide you with actionable insights on how to do it effectively.

Understanding the Value of Documentation

Documenting storm damage isn't just about collecting evidence for potential insurance claims; it's about protecting your investment and ensuring that you receive the compensation you're entitled to. Having a thorough record of the damage can make the claims process smoother and more efficient, giving you the best chance of receiving fair compensation for repairs and replacements.

Step-by-Step Guide to Effective Documentation

Safety First: Before you start documenting the damage, ensure that you're safe and that the area is secure. Put your safety and the safety of others as your top priority.

Capture Comprehensive Visuals: Use your smartphone or camera to take clear photos and videos of all visible damage. Capture the details from multiple angles, including any structural damage, broken windows, roofing issues, and fallen trees or debris.

Date and Time Stamp: Make sure your device is set to record the date and time on each photo and video. This will help establish the timeline of the damage.

Note Specifics: Alongside visuals, take detailed notes about the damage. Include descriptions of the affected areas, the extent of damage, and any potential hazards.

Drone Footage: If possible, use a drone to capture aerial footage of your property. This can provide a comprehensive view of the damage and help assess roof damage or other hard-to-reach areas.

Gather Witness Statements: If neighbors or other witnesses experienced the storm alongside you, ask them for their observations and any damage they might have seen. Their statements can add credibility to your documentation.

Save Receipts: If you need to make immediate repairs to prevent further damage, keep all repair receipts, as these can be added to your documentation.

Create a File: Organize all your photos, videos, notes, and receipts in a dedicated digital or physical folder. This will help you access the information easily during the claims process.

Why Promptness Matters

After a storm, it's crucial to document the damage as soon as possible. Not only does this provide accurate evidence before any cleanup or repairs, but it also prevents the insurance company from attributing the damage to other causes that may occur after the storm.

Working with Professionals

In cases of severe damage, involving professionals such as contractors, roofers, or disaster restoration experts such as SERVPRO of Norman, can further bolster your documentation. Their expertise and assessment reports can provide valuable evidence for your claim.

Documenting storm damage in Norman, OK, is an essential step to protect your property and ensure a seamless insurance claim process. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you're not only safeguarding your investment but also increasing your chances of receiving the necessary compensation to restore your property to its pre-storm condition. Remember, thorough documentation is your best ally in the aftermath of a storm.

Weathering the Storm: Essential Strategies to Protect Your Building from Storm Damage

6/11/2023 (Permalink)

Storms can unleash powerful forces of nature, causing significant damage to buildings and properties. However, with careful planning and proactive measures, you can strengthen your building's resilience and minimize the risk of storm-related destruction. In this blog, we'll explore essential strategies and practical tips to help you protect your building from storm damage, ensuring its safety and durability in the face of severe weather conditions.

Conduct a Storm Risk Assessment

Research and analyze the prevalent weather patterns in your area to identify the types of storms that pose the greatest risk. This knowledge will inform your preparedness efforts and guide your protective measures. Inspect your building for weak points such as compromised roofs, windows, doors, and structural elements. Identify areas that are susceptible to damage and prioritize reinforcement.

Strengthen the Building Envelope

Ensure your roof is in good condition and can withstand strong winds. Repair or replace damaged shingles, tiles, or metal panels. Consider installing hurricane straps or clips to secure the roof structure to the building's walls. Install impact-resistant doors and windows designed to withstand high winds and flying debris. Reinforce weak points, such as garage doors, with bracing systems or additional bolts.

Secure Exterior Elements

Regularly prune trees surrounding your building to prevent branches from breaking and causing damage during storms. Remove dead or weakened trees that may pose a threat. Anchor or store outdoor equipment, furniture, and other loose items to prevent them from becoming projectiles in high winds. Consider temporary removal in anticipation of severe weather.

Enhance Drainage and Water Management

Regularly clean and maintain gutters and downspouts to ensure proper water flow and prevent water from pooling on the roof. Adjust the grading around your building to direct water away from the foundation. Install or maintain proper drainage systems, such as French drains or swales, to prevent water accumulation.

Backup Power and Emergency Preparedness

Consider installing a backup generator to ensure the availability of essential services during power outages caused by storms. Test the system regularly to ensure functionality.

Create a comprehensive emergency plan that outlines evacuation procedures, designated shelter areas, and communication protocols. Educate building occupants on the plan and conduct drills periodically.

Regular Maintenance and Inspections

Conduct regular inspections of your building's structural integrity, roofing, windows, and doors. Address any identified issues promptly to prevent further damage during storms. Keep trees, shrubs, and landscaping elements well-maintained to minimize the risk of falling branches or uprooted trees. Secure loose objects that could pose a hazard during storms.

Protecting your building from storm damage requires proactive measures, diligent maintenance, and preparedness. By conducting a storm risk assessment, reinforcing the building envelope, securing exterior elements, enhancing drainage, ensuring backup power, and practicing regular maintenance, you can significantly reduce the potential impact of storms. Prioritize the safety and durability of your building, ensuring that it remains a resilient and secure structure in the face of severe weather events.

Protecting Your Business From Flood Damage

8/17/2022 (Permalink)

Ways To Protect Your Building From Flood Damage

If you own a business, you know you need to protect your building from flood damage. Fortunately, there are a few ways that you can do this in Hall Park, OK.

Have a Plan
One of the most important ways you can protect your business from a flood is to have a clear plan for what happens if it is going to flood. This plan should:

  • Be comprehensive
  • Encompass before and after the flood
  • Have vital information on what to do

Keep your flood plan on-hand or in an accessible place.

Keep Vital Information On-Hand
You will need to keep important information like insurance policies and the number of a storm damage remediation company in a separate location. This can help you get things started even before the floodwaters recede.

Prepare for Flooding

You can prepare for flooding by keeping some flood supplies on hand. You can easily store absorbant flood barriers and plastic sheeting.

Keep Electricity Away From Water

Whenever possible, move your electrical outlets to water safe heights. You should also keep all electronics like computers and printers off the floor. If it is safe and you suspect that it might flood, consider shutting down the power to any electronics and unplugging them. This will help to protect them against flood damage.

Use Flood-Resistant Landscaping and Materials

If you have the choice, choose flood-resistant materials to decorate your office. Most of these materials can survive around 72 hours in the event of a flood. This can save you time and money when you want to return to normal business operations.
Decorate your premises with native landscaping. Native plants help provide a barrier and can survive a flood if it is something normal for your area.

Seal the Cracks

Like using water-resistant materials, you can also help protect yourself by sealing any cracks in the outside of your building. This will keep water from seeping in.

Protecting yourself against flood damage is important in all areas. If you follow these suggestions, they can help you get back to business faster.

After a Wildfire, Prepare for Flooding

5/24/2022 (Permalink)

Prepare For Flooding After A Wildfire

Homeowners in Etowah, OK, who live near a flood plain know the importance of obtaining FEMA NFIP coverage to help with flooding damage restoration. For homeowners who don’t, it may not seem like a necessity. Surprisingly, if there is wildfire damage in the area, it means an increased chance of flooding.

Why an Increased Risk?

While the aftermath of a fire may not seem related to flood issues, the destruction of vegetation and charred soil cause big problems. That vegetation and healthy top soil are necessary to absorb rainwater. Once they are gone, that fire damage creates the potential for two major issues:

  • Debris Flows: After the flames are extinguished, the burned areas begin to erode. Once it rains again, the water moving downhill is moving faster than normal due to nothing helping to absorb it. As it moves through eroded areas, it begins to pick up rocks, branches and other debris, creating a destructive flow of debris.
  • Flash Flooding: While this may be associated with sudden, excessive amounts of rain, even a little rainfall may lead to a flash flood in charred areas. In lush, green areas, it takes a lot of rain to create this situation. In areas damaged by wildfire, half an inch of rain falling in under one hour is enough to create a flooding situation.

Why Consider FEMA NFIP Coverage?

Even if your home isn’t considered in a flood-prone area, it may be worth getting flood insurance after a fire. Depending on the severity, it may take up to five years for the soil to rebound and vegetation to regrow. During those years, your home is at a higher risk of flooding. Considering that just an inch of water has the potential to cause thousands of dollars of damage, adding another layer of insurance just might be worth it.

Dealing with the aftermath of a wildfire is its own challenge, which is quickly followed by an increased chance of flooding. FEMA NFIP insurance is one way to help protect your assets.

How Flood Insurance Helps Keep Your Business Afloat

4/24/2022 (Permalink)

How Flood Insurance Can Help Your Company Survive

Owning a business in Norman, Ok, can feel like exploring uncharted waters at times. One thing you don’t want to complicate the experience is damage from actual water, which can add up fast. When the dust settles (and dries), you could be looking at a bill for over $50,000 from just one inch of water. Here are three reasons why investing in a flood insurance policy for your business is important.

1. It's Usually the Only Insurance That Covers Flood Damage

Most commercial property insurance policies do not cover damage from flooding, a fact that, unfortunately, many business owners learn too late. Insurance can be purchased anytime from the National Flood Insurance Program. It offers coverage for up to half a million dollars for both building and personal property.

2. There’s No Such Thing as "No Risk"

You may be wondering why you need a flood policy if your business is not in a high-risk area. Flooding can be caused by blocked sewers and melting snow; even wildfires can increase flood chances in your neighborhood. According to statistics from FEMA, insurance claims from low-risk areas make up over 20% of all flood claims.

3. Other Assistance Options May Be Limited

While there are federal aid programs available to business owners affected by flooding, the president must declare a state of emergency to activate those benefits. What's more, these loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration must be paid back with interest. Because of this, having commercial insurance that also includes flood protection is like a lifeboat that can keep you from drowning in water damage or debt. Your insurance company will work in tandem with your local water damage restoration specialists to help get your business back on track in no time.

No matter where your business is based, flooding is always a risk. Having a flood insurance policy and knowing it inside and out can be the difference between treading water and smooth sailing.

5 Things To Expect During Storm Damage Restoration

3/22/2022 (Permalink)

Team of a restoration company Storms can happen when you least expect it. SERVPRO has teams ready to respond 24/7/365. Contact us about your storm restoration emergency.

When It Comes To Storm Damage Restoration, There Are A Few Things To Keep In Mind.

A storm in Corbett, OK , can, unfortunately, cause problems for your business. If your commercial building has been damaged, many steps may be required to return it to its proper condition. You may need to tear out materials or rebuild certain areas. The following are five things to expect when working with a cleanup and restoration company.

1. Removing the Water

The first thing that should be done is water removal. Allowing water to remain in your building after a storm can lead to various kinds of secondary damage, including mold growth, rust and warped wood.

2. Throwing Out Damaged Materials

Depending on the amount of water inside and the severity of the damage, you may need to tear out some building materials. This usually includes highly absorbent substances, such as carpeting, insulation and drywall.

3. Drying the Building

Removing all moisture and thoroughly drying the building helps prevent secondary water damage, so it should be done as quickly as possible. To help with this step, dehumidifiers may be used. It can also be a good idea to leave doors and windows open if you can.

4. Making Repairs

If you needed to tear out materials, these must be replaced when repairs are made. Flooring may need to be redone as well. In some cases, there may be discoloration in areas affected by the water. Repainting the walls can fix this.

5. Restoring Affected Items

Along with the building, water damage can affect the objects inside. Many of these can be restored with the help of a professional service. Even items that you may consider beyond salvaging, like paper documents and artwork, can sometimes be saved. However, objects that cannot be thoroughly cleaned should be thrown out and replaced.

Storm restoration can be a lengthy process, but each step is necessary to return your building to a safe environment. Professional workers can get this done within a reasonable time frame so you can get back to business as usual.

Storm Prep for Property Managers

1/6/2022 (Permalink)

Damage to the roof and ceiling of an office following a violent storm in Vientiane, Laos. Storms can be dangerous and even deadly. Fortunately, storm preparedness can be a lifesaver.

Property Managers' Storm Preparedness

Preparing for a storm isn’t always top priority within property management, but it should be. The fact is storms are responsible for countless injuries across the country each year, and if any of those occur on your property, you could be facing liability. It’s easy to see that Etowah, OK, storm preparedness should be top of mind, but where does one begin? Use these tips to get a handle on this important bit of planning.

Make a Storm Plan

Every multi-building property needs a comprehensive storm preparation plan at minimum. Such a plan should cover things like

• Disaster-relief information
• Emergency contacts
• Evacuation plans
• Nearby shelters

and the like. Create a plan months in advance as part of storm preparedness. Review and tweak it with your staff, then make sure you distribute it to residents.

Secure Loose Objects Around the Property

A powerful storm can transform furniture and even waste bins into dangerous projectiles that can harm people and damage buildings. One of the easiest ways to prepare your property for a storm is inspect it for anything that could be picked up by strong winds. Remove portable items to safe, indoor storage. For stationary items, use tarps, ties, locks and similar securing devices to keep things in place. Don’t forget to trim trees to prevent branches from becoming projectiles amid high winds.

Stock Up

Shortly before a storm and definitely in its midst, important supplies will run dry. The smartest property managers prepare by stocking up on essentials months before the storm season. Keep lots of water and batteries on hand, as well as shelf stable foods if possible. It’s also a good idea to invest in a backup generator or several.

Storms can be dangerous and even deadly. Fortunately, storm preparedness can be a lifesaver. Use these tips to keep your property safe when facing storm damage and it will help things go smoother.

3 Ways To Protect Your Building From Winter Storms

11/4/2021 (Permalink)

Three Ways To Keep Your Building Safe During Winter Storms

Winter storms in Eason, OK, may seem like outdoor problems, but the freezing temperatures they bring can cause issues inside your commercial property as well. A burst pipe can flood the building, and pipes burst easily when they freeze. Fortunately, there are measures you can take to ensure that the pipes in your walls stay warm and intact, even during a winter storm.

1. Insulate Pipes

Most of the pipes in your building are inside the walls, which means they may be isolated from the warmth the rest of the building enjoys. Because of this, it is imperative that you insulate your pipes, particularly those that run along the outer perimeter of the building. A frozen pipe can occur in no time if it is not protected from external temperatures.

2. Drip Water

When water drips through the faucet into a sink, the water in the pipe must keep moving in order to supply it. This can keep your pipes from freezing. It may seem wasteful at first, but the payoff justifies the minor excess. If you don't want to return from your weekend to discover that a burst pipe has left hundreds of gallons of standing water in your building, it may be profitable to accept the lesser waste of strategically dripping faucets.

3. Set Thermostat

Knowing that no one is going to be in the building every night and weekend may tempt you to turn off the heating system while the building is empty. This is not a wise idea. By keeping your building at the same temperature overnight and at a minimum of 55 degrees Fahrenheit over the weekends, you can keep the pipes warmer and less likely to burst.

A burst pipe can cause just as much, if not more, damage to your building as a basement or roof flood can. While remediation experts can fix the problem, it's best to make the effort to prevent it in the first place.

What You Should Do if Your Flight Gets Canceled Because of a Storm

10/20/2021 (Permalink)

What Can You Do After a Canceled Flight?

Storms can cause a lot of problems. Wind, hail and rain can lead to damage to your home in Norman, OK. This extreme weather can even mess up your travel plans. While you know to turn to a home remediation expert after storm damage to your residence, what can you do after a canceled flight?

Talk to the airline. As soon as you find out your flight is canceled, you need to get in touch with the airline. If you're already at the airport, you may be tempted to hop in line at the desk. However, you can save yourself some time in line by simply calling the airline customer service number. This could help you figure out your next step sooner and may lead to a better rebooking.

Learn about compensation. Many airlines want to keep their passengers happy. If you are booked on a canceled flight, you may be able to get some type of compensation directly from the airline. What sort of compensation could you see? It depends on the airline, but you may be eligible for discounts on rebooking, reimbursements for missed connecting flights or complimentary meals while waiting at the airport.

Get a hotel. If your wait is going to be really long because of a canceled flight, you may want to book a hotel sooner rather than later. Chances are a lot of other travelers will also get stranded. Your airline may help you book a hotel, but you may have to take this step on your own. Either way, you should do it as soon as possible to ensure you don't have to sleep on the floor of the airport.

Storms can cause a lot of crazy things to happen. You may have to deal with flooding in your home or changed travel plans. You can use these storm tips to help you make it through a flight cancelation with your sanity intact.

Ready the Barricade and Secure the Adirondack: How to Prepare Your Home for a Flood

9/27/2021 (Permalink)

Drying equipment on floor. Being attentive to official warnings, protecting your belongings, and safeguarding your interests ensures that you are in the best possible position.

Despite popular belief, flooding does not always occur rapidly. Sure, flash floods happen, and you aren’t given months of advanced warning, but those who live in flood zones understand the potential risks and when they are most vulnerable, especially during the rainy season. The question most asked by those new to flood zone areas is how do you prepare and stay safe? While there are many answers to that question, one of the best is the three-pronged approach provided by FEMA.

1. Prepare To Evacuate

The first step in preparation is to make sure that you protect yourself. Pay attention to the public warnings and alert systems, and don’t think that you know better, just listen. Evacuate when you’re told to evacuate. If you don’t leave, you risk being trapped in floodwaters without the luxury of emergency services.

2. Protect Your Belongings

Before you evacuate, and before any significant flooding begins, you would be wise to secure and protect any of your valuable belongings. Protecting items is simple and can be done by elevating any critical mechanics and technology, waterproofing any personal items like photographs by putting them in sealed plastic bags, and clearing away or tying down any exterior furniture that may cause damage to your home during the flood.

3. Protect Your Interests

Beyond the short-term objectives of evacuating yourself and securing your belongings, if you live in a flood zone, you should have flood insurance to protect your home from flood damage over the long term. While not a typical element in most insurance plans, flood insurance can be beneficial and is often a requirement in high-risk flood zones.

While there are undoubtedly restoration specialists in the Norman, OK, area, it is ideal to limit any potential storm damage from flooding by taking the above precautions. Being attentive to official warnings, protecting your belongings, and safeguarding your interests ensures that you are in the best possible position when the storm comes, literally and figuratively.

4 Things Property Managers Should Do To Prepare for Major Storms

5/18/2021 (Permalink)

How To Prepare For Major Storms

Hurricanes and tropical storms can bring devastating wind and rain to buildings and homes. As a property manager, you have a responsibility to protect your property and your residents. While these storms can cause a tremendous amount of damage in Lexington, OK, there are several steps you can take to mitigate losses and keep those around you safe. Having a storm preparedness plan can ensure you are well-equipped to handle these emergencies if they come your way.
Here are four things you should consider when handling a hurricane or storm.

1. Create a Plan
Prepare a document that outlines all emergency procedures for the property. This document should include the names of your staff members and all your residents, along with their contact information. In addition, you should keep an updated list of phone numbers for your local fire department, rescue squads, ambulance services, and police stations.

2. Train Your Staff
Ensure your property management team knows how to access the disaster preparedness document and train them thoroughly on all safety protocols, including how to seek shelter or mandatory evacuation procedures. Make sure your employees know how to locate and use fire extinguishers, first aid kits and other equipment.

3. Inspect Surrounding Areas
If the threat of a hurricane has been announced, perform a quick inspection of the grounds and remove any items that could pose a threat. Tie down and secure items that could get swept up in the wind and cause harm to your residents or damage the property.

4. Plan for Next Steps
Storm preparedness encompasses both pre-storm and post-storm activity. As soon the storm passes and it is safe to move about, inspect the property to identify any damages, risks, and mechanical failures. Communicate property updates to residents via phone, email, or text, and inform them of any concerns or threats. If necessary, call a commercial storm cleanup service to assist with restoring the property to safe conditions.
While you cannot control the path of a hurricane or storm, you can control how well you plan ahead. Storm preparedness can mitigate costly repairs, reduce damage, and keep your residents safe.

3 Ways To Prevent Sewage Backup in Your Home

1/19/2021 (Permalink)

Sewage water coming out a bathtub A sewer backup in your home can be a frustrating and expensive problem to deal with

Tips That Can Help You Prevent Sewage Backup in Your Home

A sewer backup in your home can be caused by flooding, clogs, or other problems with your sewer system. Raw sewage in your home can create an unpleasant cleanup situation, damage your property, and expose your family to contaminants. These three tips can help prevent sewage backup in your home.

1. Keep Your Sewer Lateral Maintained
The pipeline that connects your home to the city's sewer main is called a sewer lateral. Homeowners are responsible for maintaining this pipeline. A pipeline that is not properly maintained can crack, wear out, or become filled with tree roots. Damage to your lateral mainline can lead to sewage backup in your home.

2. Dispose of Waste Properly
One of the main causes of a sewer backup is the improper disposal of waste products. Pouring cooking oil or grease into a toilet or sink drain can create clogs in your pipes that could cause a bathtub backup or other sewage problem. This happens because grease and oils solidify as they cool, creating blockages that prevent water from flowing through the pipes. Similarly, paper towels, diapers, and feminine hygiene products can clog up sewer lines. Dispose of these items in the trash, rather than flushing them down your toilet.

3. Install a Backflow Valve
Installing a backflow valve on the sewer line in your basement allows sewerage to flow out of your property, but not into it. You should not rely on a backflow valve to completely prevent backup issues, but when used in conjunction with other prevention methods, it can greatly reduce the issue. However, if you do experience a sewage problem in your home, contact a sewage cleaning company in Noble, OK, to address the issue promptly.
A sewer backup in your home can be a frustrating and expensive problem to deal with. Fortunately, these three tips can help you prevent this problem from occurring in your home.

Flood Insurance: 3 Things All Renters Should Understand

11/13/2020 (Permalink)

If you rent property, you likely understand the importance of insurance coverage. Renter's insurance covers damage to your belongings in most situations, but most renter’s policies don’t cover flood damage. If the property is within a designated flood zone, the property owner likely has a flood policy, but that policy won’t help with any of your expenses. Read on for three things you should understand about flood insurance.

Understand the Definition of “Flood”

If the supply line to your toilet breaks and your bathroom floor is covered in an inch of water, you might say that the pipe break “flooded” the bathroom. In insurance lingo, however, this would be considered “water damage.” The word “flood,” in the context of property insurance, refers to damage caused by a storm surge, heavy rain, storm-level winds, or rising water. Most renter's insurance specifically excludes coverage for flood damage.

Understand Your Risk
FEMA has determined the probable flood risk for nearly every part of the U.S. and created maps of the designated flood zones. You can check Hall Park, OK’s flood zone designation on FEMA’s website. Keep in mind, however, that roughly 33% of all flood claims occur in low-risk zones.

Understand the Consequences
In the event of a flood, flood insurance will cover the cost to replace damaged personal property, as well as the cost of temporary housing and other living expenses if you must relocate while the rental property is being repaired. Since flood-damaged property requires specific flood remediation procedures to be habitable, you will likely need to vacate the property at some point. Without flood insurance, you could end up having to replace any damaged belongings yourself, in addition to covering your housing costs until the rental property is restored.
If you rent in an area that’s storm-prone or is within a federal flood zone, it’s worthwhile to consider supplementing your renter's insurance with a flood insurance policy. These policies are typically inexpensive, and well worth the investment if a flood should occur.

Commercial Flooding: Understanding Water Toxicity

9/1/2020 (Permalink)

Three Levels Of Water Toxicity

When water infiltrates your commercial building, it can cause significant damage to your structure and property. If your Mickiddyville, OK, business has been damaged due to flooding or other water-related problem, you may be interested in the three levels of water toxicity.

Category 1
This low-level of contamination is also known as clean water. Water from supply-side sources or stormwater that has not contacted the ground result in Category 1 contamination. Examples of this include:

  • Leaking water heater
  • Broken supply line from an ice maker or water filter
  • Snowmelt leaking through a damaged roof
  • Broken supply-side water pipe

Generally, damage from Category 1 water will be covered by your conventional business insurance, as long as none of the damage involved flooding.

Category 2
This moderate level of contamination, called greywater, comes from water that has been used by a consumer or appliance. It contains small amounts of detergents, food particles, grease and dirt. If your dishwasher or washing machine has leaked, you probably have Category 2 damage. Professional cleanup services are recommended, and your business insurance will likely reimburse you for a portion of it.

Category 3
Known as black water, this highly toxic water can cause serious damage and be difficult to clean up. If a sewer line back-up or a flood caused your water damage, you are dealing with Category 3 toxicity. When flooding occurs, the water can pick up physical hazards, chemicals and sewage. It is important to hire a professional remediation service to safely perform the cleanup and remediation for your building.
If a flood was the cause of your property damage, your conventional insurance will not cover the damage. You would need to have a separate flood insurance policy. Your agent can give you more information.
When your building takes on water, it can be stressful and costly to clean up the damage. Whether you have major flood damage or a small leak, it’s important to determine the contamination level of the water. Then you will know how to proceed with returning your business and your peace of mind to normalcy once again.

Tips to Reduce Maintenance Costs

8/12/2020 (Permalink)

Measures You Can Take Ahead Of Time To Reduce Your Home's Maintenance Cost

While maintenance is an inevitable part of facility management, the costs attached can sometimes be overwhelming. Everything may seem fine in your home and then all of a sudden you need to replace your HVAC unit and hire storm restoration professionals. Because of this, you find yourself spending more than you planned on home maintenance. Once you have a problem like this, the only thing you can do is find a solution. However, there are measures you can take ahead of time to reduce your home's maintenance cost.

1. Use Preventative Maintenance
There are often two different types of maintenance strategies in use: reactive and preventative. Reactive maintenance involves fixing things when they break. Preventative maintenance revolves around checking things periodically and fixing them before they break. The most common approach used by homeowners is a reactive strategy. This is because this strategy appears cheaper. However, it is only cheaper when things are running smoothly, which is not always going to be the case. Therefore, preventative maintenance strategies are becoming more popular. This is because taking a proactive approach to maintaining your home will help you save money in the long run. To apply this strategy to your home, remember to have regular checks performed on all of your appliances while keeping tabs on everything within your home in Hall Park, OK.

2. Update Your Lighting
If you use your lights a lot, you may spend a lot of time changing bulbs. While this doesn't seem like a problem, these bulbs can add up. Furthermore, the time you spend shopping for and changing bulbs can add up. One solution which can help you reduce your maintenance cost includes investing in LED lighting. LED bulbs last significantly longer and put out the same amount of light as an incandescent bulb. Although these bulbs cost more upfront, they will pay for themselves in the long run by reducing the amount of energy you use and lasting longer.
The best ways to reduce the maintenance cost in your home are often simple fixes. Try using preventative maintenance to avoid any major breakdowns and try updating your lighting for increased energy efficiency and longer-lasting bulbs.

Tips for Handling Flight Cancellations

5/12/2020 (Permalink)

Tips for Handling Flight Cancellations

A canceled flight is a common occurrence during storm season in Mickiddyville, OK. If you are making plans a few months ahead of time, you can't predict the specific circumstances the actual day of your flight will bring. Having a solid backup plan can help you adapt with minimal stress if your flight is delayed or canceled, and these tips can help you create one.

Be Organized
It's never a bad idea to have important information compiled for easy access. When you book a flight, particularly when storms are possible, make sure you keep certain information on hand:

  • Flight number and departure time
  • Contact information for airline
  • Reliable hotel booking apps
  • Phone number for local flood restoration company

If the unexpected occurs, having all this information stored on your phone or in a secure, accessible location can help you be proactive. You can rebook your canceled flight, find a place to stay and have someone check on the safety of your home if you can't get back to it.

Be Prompt
Even if your flight is canceled, it's a good idea to stick to your schedule. Show up at the airport and go through security just as you planned. Airlines make adjustments as needed, and it's prudent to be in a position where you can jump on the next available flight as soon as that option becomes available.

Be Flexible
One of the best storm tips for travel is to be flexible. Having a good plan does not guarantee that it will go smoothly. If you find that you are unable to catch a new flight home, you may just need to wait out the storm in a nearby hotel, which you can view as an opportunity to relax and rest. Incorporating the possibility of change into your outlook helps you stay calm.
No one looks forward to having a canceled flight, but it is not an insurmountable obstacle. You can prepare ahead of time so that you are able to adapt to whatever changes an incoming storm may bring.

A Fire Drill Is Literally the Difference Between Life and Death

4/9/2020 (Permalink)

A true emergency is a rare event for businesses in Slaughterville, OK. However, some OSHA regulations may require that a company be prepared to react in case a serious event, such as a fire, flood or severe weather, requires an evacuation. On top of the regulations, if someone is injured or killed on your property – even if you just lease it – you can be held accountable, especially if you were negligent in your duties to protect lives. One of the best ways you can prepare for a disaster is to hold a fire drill.

Evacuations May Be Required for Several Disasters

During certain events, such as a tornado, you may be required to shelter-in-place. However, other hazards will require immediate evacuation, including

  • Fire
  • Flood
  • Toxic chemicals and gases

All emergencies that need evacuation require very rapid action and advanced preparations. However, of the likely hazards, fire is probably the most immediate. A small flame can grow exponentially once it’s become established. In one nightclub fire, the flames went from concerning to fatal within about 90 seconds, leaving 100 people with no time to evacuate, thanks to a deadly event called a flashover. Fire investigators said that most of those lives could have been saved if the management had held the required evacuation drills – and some went to prison for their lapse.

Designate One Person to Develop an Evacuation Plan

The most effective way to ensure employee and customer safety is to choose one responsible team member to create an emergency reaction plan. With some brief research, they can ensure that at least one employee is always on duty who knows how to quickly evacuate the premises. A single fire drill once a month – a few minutes’ time – has frequently been the difference between life and death.
Once a fire or flood damage has struck your building, first make sure everyone is safe, then contact a local fire damage cleanup company to inspect the building for safety hazards, tarp exposed areas and start the restoration process. They’ll help you with insurance claims and get your business back on track.

What To Expect During a Roof Restoration

11/16/2019 (Permalink)

What To Expect During a Roof Restoration

After a storm in Etowah, OK, you may find your home is in need of a roof repair. There are a few steps you can expect to see your local storm damage restoration company take during the restoration process. Here's what you may want to know.

1. An Assessment of the Damage

One of the first steps you will see your local restoration company take is the assessment of any damage. This will help them determine whether they're looking at water, hail, snow, or wind damage so that the proper repair steps can be followed. After the assessment they will also be able to provide an estimate for your insurance company.

2. Prioritization of Repair Tasks

Once the assessment has occurred the restoration team working on your home can begin determining the prioritization of repair tasks. During a roof repair, certain tasks will need to be performed ahead of others in order to complete the restoration correctly and efficiently. For example any damage sub-layers will need to be repaired ahead of replacing shingles. The professionals working on your home will first determine which repairs need to be made and in what order before starting the restoration.

3. The Completion of Repairs

Once the roof damage to your home has been assessed, and after a restoration service has determined the best order of repairs, they can begin to restore your roof. Depending on the damage type and severity you may say anything from repairing a small area of shingles, to checking for and replacing waterlogged wood. If your gutters have been damaged you may also want to have them replaced at this time.
During the roof repair process, you can expect to see your local restoration company make an assessment of the damages, prioritize the repair tasks so they can have an efficient order of work, and then conduct and complete the repairs. If you have any questions a professional may be able to help.

How To Conduct Fire Drills and Prepare for Workplace Emergencies

10/30/2019 (Permalink)

How To Conduct Fire Drills and Prepare for Workplace Emergencies

As a commercial business owner in Norman, OK, you have plenty of tasks to perform and problems to solve each day. You may not spend much time thinking about what you will do during a workplace disaster.
However, preparing for emergencies ahead of time can limit the impact of the disaster on your business. There are many types of emergencies that can affect a commercial building, including:

  • Tornadoes
  • Fires
  • Explosions
  • Chemical spills
  • Hurricanes
  • Floods

Fire and storm damage can be devastating. Flood cleanup can be especially time-consuming and costly for your business. That is why you should create an emergency action plan and conduct at least one fire drill per year.

Emergency Action Plans

Some employers are legally required by the General Industry Occupational Safety and Health Standard to create action plans. Yet all companies should have some disaster preparedness measures in place.
Any disaster plan should detail how employees can report emergencies, and how the rest of the building will be notified. You should also come up with an evacuation procedure and make sure that workers know the best way to get out of the building. Make sure to consider the needs of any disabled employees.

Conducting Drills

A yearly fire drill can reinforce the plan and ensure that employees know what to do and where to go during a disaster. You may even want to call your local fire and police departments for assistance with the drill. Afterward, talk with your employees and managers to assess how the drill went. Discuss any weaknesses with your plan and adjust it accordingly.

Disaster Cleanup

Of course, even if you are fully prepared for emergencies, you may not be able to prevent flood damage to your building. Storm cleanup specialists can restore your property quickly so your employees can get back to work.
Holding a fire drill in your office will give your employees peace of mind. They will know what to do in the event of a disaster.

Navigating Floodwaters When There Are No Other Options

9/9/2019 (Permalink)

What To Do If You Find Yourself Driving In A Flooded Street?

Floods are the most common calamity associated with weather, and you're likely to experience some degree of flooding sooner or later. Inclement weather is always inconvenient, but when drainage systems back up, things can start looking ominous. What if you find yourself in a flooded street after the water has started to rise? Driving on flooded roads is highly discouraged, but if you absolutely must, keep these travel tips in mind:

1. Proceed With Extreme Caution

Turn your hazard lights on and start driving very slowly. Try to gauge the depth of the water by viewing fire hydrants or other cars. If it looks like there are at least six inches, turn around. If you don’t, your engine could stall or sustain permanent damage. Twelve inches of water can set your car afloat.

2. Watch Out for Hazards

Debris in the water can carry an electrical charge if there are downed power lines in the vicinity. Stay in your car and get to high ground as soon as possible. You may also encounter fallen trees or branches. Avoid fast-moving water; it’s imperative that you do so to avoid being swept away.

3. Monitor Other Vehicles

Follow other vehicles from a distance to see how they’re navigating the flooded street. If you see the tailpipe of another car get submerged, it’s time to turn around; your car has a good chance of stalling soon.

4. Drive Slowly and Steadily

Drive only in first gear. Don’t stop unless absolutely necessary. The faster you drive, the greater the chance water has of getting into the undercarriage. If the car stalls, do not restart the engine or it will suck up more water. Driving over three or four miles an hour can cause a large splash that can block the view of other drivers.
Exercise extreme caution if you have to be out on a flooded street. The best advice is to wait it out to remain absolutely safe and protect your vehicle. If your home in Corbett, OK, sustains flood damage, you can hire flood damage restoration professionals to get things back to normal as soon as possible.

Effective Ways to Protect Your Building From Flood Damage

8/29/2019 (Permalink)

You have probably seen news footage of floods wiping out roads, houses and buildings. This isn’t a disaster you want to imagine affecting your Lexington, OK, office. Even moderate amounts of water can cause significant flood damage. However, if you are prepared, there are ways you can fend off many of the typical issues people see with floods.

Check the Plumbing

Flooding doesn’t always infiltrate a building because of the weather. In fact, internal problems are some of the biggest causes of this emergency. Small leaks in the plumbing system, as well as defective or old pipes, can let large amounts of water into the office. Make sure you do some of the following to safeguard your workplace:

  • Have a professional inspect the plumbing system each year.
  • Replace older pipes at the first sign of trouble.
  • Report even minor leaks to the building manager.

Make Sure Your Building Has Good Drainage

When rain is a factor in flood damage, rain gutters and downspouts are often to blame. If your office building has broken or poorly installed gutters on the roof, water could pool up by the foundation. During a large rainstorm, this water could creep into the lower levels of the facility. Make sure the gutters are in good condition and the downspouts divert water away from the property.

Add Waterproofing

Despite your best efforts, you may not be able to prevent a flood in all circumstances. Luckily, there are professional flood restoration teams that can come to your rescue. You can also help minimize the damage with a few steps. One of the most important things you can do is add waterproofing to the floors. You can look into adding a layer of veneer material to your walls to protect them from storm damage and other water concerns.
Flood damage can cause headaches to your operations, but you can do something about it. By following these steps, you can keep damage to a minimum or even keep water away entirely.

Staying in Business After an Emergency

7/17/2019 (Permalink)

An emergency that occurs at your business in Norman, OK doesn’t just impact the physical structure of your building. It can affect your employees, your business plan and your bottom line. Having a business continuity plan in place can help minimize the impact of a disastrous occurrence. Follow these four steps to establish your plan.

4 Steps to Establish a Plan to Stay in Business 

  1. Business Impact Analysis

The first thing to do is recognize what processes may be affected by an emergency. How you run your business while certified specialists are restoring your building is not going to look the same as it does when your company is fully functional. Your BIA can reveal the core elements that keep your business going and the resources you need to carry them out.

  1. Basic Business Function Strategies

Your emergency response plan should include a detailed list of actions and resources. Use the information discovered in your BIA to plan alternatives to your regular business procedures to keep the business running. Then list the resources you need to support these alternatives:

  • Necessary space
  • Equipment, furniture and office supplies
  • Important records and other vital information
  • Basic inventory
  • Utilities and other outside services
  • Human resources

Your business continuity plan is only as good as the support it has.

  1. Recovery Team

Put together a team to iron out the details of your plan. The team may consider strategies such as telecommuting for some employees, relocation, contracting some work to third-party services or use of unconventional spaces. The recovery team is tasked with finding manual workarounds for key business functions that are impacted.

  1. Testing and Training

You never know if something is going to work unless you try it, and you don’t want to wait until you need your emergency response plan to know if it is going to be effective. No plan is complete until it has been tested and vital personnel have been trained to put it into action.

You cannot always avoid disastrous emergencies. You can, however, make a business continuity plan to deal with their impact.

3 Safety Tips for First Responders

7/11/2019 (Permalink)

Three Tips For a First Responder

When a natural disaster strikes Mickiddyville, OK, first responders and emergency relief workers quickly spring into action. The services that these men and women provide are honorable, courageous, and selfless. The situations and conditions of this work can be extremely hazardous, so it is essential that emergency workers are protected while on the job. Here are three tips for a first responder to consider to ensure that he or she stays as safe as possible.

1. Receive Vaccinations

One way that disaster responders can remain safe in a hazardous work environment, such as a flood response, is to receive vaccinations and immunizations against any illnesses that they may be exposed to. Certain bacteria and other diseases may be present in a disaster zone. However, receiving vaccinations can significantly reduce the chances of becoming sick. The Centers for Disease Control website provides information regarding which vaccinations are required and recommended for a first responder.

2. Wear Protective Gear

Safety equipment is critical for disaster relief workers. Wearing protective gear such as gloves, face masks, and sturdy boots may be a good idea. Other items that a disaster response worker may consider are googles to cover the eyes as well as hardhats. It is also helpful to check that communications devices such as radios and mobile phones are functioning correctly before entering a dangerous area in case an emergency call needs to be made.

3. Be Aware of Surroundings and Report Issues to Professionals for Cleanup

Finally, it is always crucial to be aware of surroundings. After a disaster hits, structures may not be stable. It can be beneficial to take note of and report any severely damaged areas of a home so that professionals in disaster restoration can also remain safe when beginning repairs.
Emergency personnel have a difficult job that may require working in dangerous conditions. However, by following these tips, a first responder can stay safe and continue his or her admirable work assisting and rescuing individuals who desperately need help.

Flooding Can Cause Serious Water Damage To Your Home

6/25/2019 (Permalink)

Water Damage

Water damage caused by natural events are very common in many areas of the country. One of the most common forms of water damage is the accumulation of water in the basement. This is due to natural rain or moisture events that are beyond the homeowner's control.

Water damage in Spring Hill can be devastating if you have experienced this type of flooding or moisture in your basement on a regular basis. You may live in a low-lying area that receives all of the groundwater after a heavy rainstorm, or you may have a break in the foundation that causes frequent leaks. However, one should never attempt to clean up water damage by themselves. Professional water damage specialists at SERVPRO of Norman should be consulted immediately so that they may assess the damage, complete a proper cleanup, and ensure that contamination does not become an issue in the future.

Installing Sump Pump as a Precaution

However, the use of a sump pump in basements cannot be overstated as an excellent precaution homeowners can take against flooding. A sump pump is simply a pump that is used to remove water that has collected in a water-collecting sump basin. These are usually found in the basement of homes.

Sump pumps make for an effective precaution against water damage, because of their funneling, accumulation, and safe passage of water from your basement to a location away from your home. This is accomplished through an intelligent use of drains. First, the water entering one’s home would enter through the perimeter drains of a basement waterproofing system. Then, this water would funnel into the “basin” if it rains or if natural groundwater seeps in.

Sump pumps can save the day if you live in a home that regularly floods during storms or if your home is located in a valley or other low-lying area. It can also solve dampness problems which can occur when the water table is above the foundation of a home. Sump pumps will carry water away from your home to a location where it is no longer in danger of creating water damage in your home.

Municipal storm drains and dry wells are common drainage locations. Some older sump pump installations have used the sanitary sewer lines to discharge accumulated water, which may violate current plumbing codes and municipal bylaws. If you have an old sump pump set up, it may be a good idea to upgrade now and get up to code.

Contact Us Today

To ask questions, request a service, or allow us to respond to your water damage emergency, contact SERVPRO of Norman at (405) 292-0808. With our Emergency Services, we are available to take your call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

When Does Mitigation Stop and Restoration Start?

5/11/2019 (Permalink)

Performing mitigation in a Norman, OK building

Mitigation takes place in the hours and days after a flood with the goal of stopping primary damage from worsening or preventing secondary damage from occurring. A flood cleanup company may extract water, perform cuts and promote drying. Restoration can begin after the affected area is clean and dry. Here are a few ways to differentiate between mitigation and restoration.

After Damage Occurs

Limiting the severity of damage is the top priority after a flood. A mitigation service may provide any of the following measures:

  • Assessing and documenting damage
  • Determining structural risks
  • Extracting water and debris
  • Tearing out damaged building materials

All of these steps fall under the category of mitigation. A business or building owner can hire a specialized cleanup firm or rely on an all-in-one mitigation and restoration company.

After Damage Has Been Limited

Mitigation continues after initial measures have been taken to extract flood water. A flood cleanup company will then take steps to eliminate every trace of damage:

  • Cleaning
  • Disinfecting
  • Drying

Disinfection is necessary for leaks or flooding involving contaminated water. It may take several days for the area to dry.

After the Area Is Clean and Dry

Restoration can begin after all traces of flood damage have been cleaned or removed. A new company or the same one-stop shop will repair and rebuild the structure. Relying on one company for mitigation and restoration has several advantages, such as continuity of services and a single estimate and schedule.

The differences between mitigation and restoration are more obvious if a building or business owner relies on different companies to provide these services. The transition between companies may also increase the risk of miscommunication or interrupt the workflow. For a consistent quality of work and timely completion, building and business owners should depend on a flood cleanup company that provides both mitigation and restoration services in Norman, OK.

Top 5 Flood Safety Tips for Homeowners

4/26/2019 (Permalink)

Hire SERVPRO, the professionals in water damage restoration.

Tips For Flood Safety

Floods are the top natural disaster throughout the United States. Obviously, certain areas are prone to flooding, such as coastal regions, swamplands, canyons, plains and valleys. However, sudden heavy rains can result in flooding in any locality. Because of this, you can be prepared by following a set of tips for flood safety.

1. Stay Up to Date

Weather conditions can change at a moment's notice. Follow weather updates via smartphones, radio or TV. Staying informed helps determine whether you need to evacuate.

2. Gather Essential Supplies

A flood may require you to leave your home. There's also the potential for injuries, especially with flash floods. Prepare a survival kit containing three days' worth of supplies. Items include:

  • First aid kit
  • Extra batteries
  • Phone chargers
  • Battery-powered radio
  • Flashlight
  • One gallon of water for each person
  • Non-perishable food
  • Personal hygiene and sanitation products
  • Copies of important documents

These items can sustain you during and after a flood. Make sure you keep the kit in a secure place that's easily accessible.

4. Watch Where You Drive

It doesn't take much flood water to make driving a vehicle nearly impossible. Six inches to two feet of water can cause a car, truck or SUV to stall or get swept away. When you near a flooded area, turn around and drive to higher ground.

5. Exercise Caution When Returning Home

Once the flood is over, it doesn't mean all is well. You still need to focus on flood safety, especially when you're returning to your home. Be aware that roads are weak and susceptible to collapse. Clean and disinfect all wet items in your home. Wait for news reports to find out if the water in Noble, OK, is safe to drink.

Stay Out of Harm's Way

Floods pose a real threat. Following basic flood safety tips keeps you and your loved ones out of harm's way. When it comes to cleaning your home after a flood, it's best to hire a professional water damage restoration company.

Hail and Escalating Roof Damage

2/13/2019 (Permalink)

Hail And Escalating Roof Damage

Roof damage can be a significant cost for businesses and one that can be avoided with vigilant and routine inspections. While many companies are likely aware of the potential for damage after a storm, they may not be as aware of the threat a hail storm poses to their roof. Hail comes in a variety of sizes and weights, and these ice balls can do lasting damage to your roof if not mitigated early.

1. Shingles

The most apparent signs of hail damage to your roof are broken or missing shingles. Hail stones can either create small divots in a shingle, or they can completely fracture and even break a shingle free of the roof altogether.

2. Underlayment

While missing shingles are not significant causes of roof damage, torn or missing underlayment can be. When a shingle is broken or missing, it can lead to the exposure or wearing away of the underlayment. Tattered or damaged underlayment can lead to water damaged sheathing.

3. Sheathing

Sheathing is the wood boards that cover over your attic joist. These boards are your last line of defense against the outside. If your shingles and underlayment are damaged, then your sheathing is exposed to rain and other elements. Depending on the size of hail, it can severely damage your sheathing through both impact and melting.

4. Insulation and Attic

When the roof barrier is compromised, it leaves insulation and your attic space potential exposed. This exposure can lead to moisture buildup and possibly mold development. If you are experiencing this level of damage, you may want to call a disaster restoration specialist in the Norman, OK area.

Hail storms can cause significant roof damage. Routine inspections of your commercial property’s roofline should protect you from any obvious issues like missing shingles. However, you may want to seek assistance for more thorough inspections for underlayment and sheathing damage.

Surviving the Rising Waters: Basic Flood Safety Tips

9/20/2018 (Permalink)

Rainstorm blew off the chimney cap causing storm damage in a Hall Park, OK home

Floods are intense and dangerous. While waters may look calm, don’t be fooled. A mere 6 inches of water can take down a full-grown man, sweeping him into the often unrelenting currents. If you are ever caught in a flood, you should be aware of basic flood safety, and review the five safety tips below.

1. Evacuate

The first safety tip is to listen to warnings and evacuate if so ordered. Never assume to know better than the government agencies that are warning you. Also, keep in mind that when areas are evacuated it likely means that emergency services will not be available in those areas for the time being.

2. Turn around. Don’t Drown!

If you are unable or unwilling to evacuate your home, then whatever you do avoid areas that are flooding around you and attempt to stay on dry land. The adage of “Turn around. Don’t drown!” is not to be taken lightly. To remain safe during the flood, it is essential that you avoid rising water for as long as possible.

3. Avoid Bridges

While bridges may appear to be dry and stable, if there is fast-moving water directly underneath them, it is basic flood safety to avoid them because they can be washed away with little warning.

4. Listen to Emergency Broadcasts

If you have a radio or cellular service during the flood, be sure to stay tuned into NOAA Weather Radio, EAS, or a local alert system to stay up-to-date on any further developments in your area. These stations can provide valuable information about rescue developments and any new storm surges.

5. Elevate Yourself

The most important element of surviving a flood is to elevate yourself. Try to remain above the rising water but do not allow yourself to get trapped in a room with no exits, like an attic.

While these flood safety tips cover the basics, you’ll want to check with the Hall Park, OK, emergency management office or other experts in your area to verify any other necessary safety precautions.

Is Black Water Safe?

8/14/2018 (Permalink)

Imagine that you are exceptionally thirsty and someone offers you some water. This water, however, is full of bacteria and viruses. Do you drink it? Of course, you don’t. Now, imagine your business after sustaining water damage from a flood in Norman, OK. Do you let it dry and return to business as usual? Again, you don’t. Understand the dangers of dirty, black water below.

What Is Black Water?

There are three categories of water damage, including black, gray and clean water. Clean comes from a fresh water source and is not hazardous to your health. Gray is contaminated as it may contain dirt or detergent but does not typically pose a significant risk. Black, however, is the most dangerous of the three:

• Flood water or sewage are the most common sources of this highly contaminated water.
• Infested with bacteria and microorganisms, this type of water should always be avoided by humans and pets.
• Without protective equipment, it is not safe to be around.

How Is Black Water Cleaned?

If the water is so dangerous, you may wonder how your business will ever recover. Professional water restoration specialists wear protective gear including masks to guard against virus inhalation. The process may be time consuming as it needs to be thorough:

• The damaged area is contained, so the water and germs do not spread.
• Professional grade pumps and vacuums remove the excess standing water.
• Porous materials exposed to the contaminated water are removed from the property, including drywall and carpet padding.
• The area is dried, cleaned, disinfected and properly sanitized. Air filtration equipment is used to rid the air of viruses and odors.

Water damage from a flood in Norman, OK, can wreak havoc on your business. The contaminants in the black water can negatively impact your health and safety, therefore as soon as a possible, partner with a professional restoration expert to return your business to pre-disaster condition. For more information, visit

How To Begin Cleanup Before the Adjuster Arrives

7/23/2018 (Permalink)

Recovering from a flood in Norman, OK can be stressful, emotionally draining and physically demanding. Having flood insurance coverage can help to alleviate some of those burdens. However, waiting to start cleanup until after the insurance adjuster assesses your home could lead to more serious problems.

Why To Start Quickly

Here are a few reasons it is important to act fast:

• Stagnant water houses a variety of harmful bacteria.
• Mold damage begins to develop within the first 24 hours after flooding.
• Delayed cleanup could increase the risk of structural damage to your home.

What To Do

If you experience damage following a storm, there are a number of actions you should take:

• Contact your insurance provider as soon as possible. Explain the extent of the damage and ask if you can start work before an adjuster arrives.
• Document everything, including conversations with your insurance company. In this case, technology is your friend. Take pictures or videotape the extent of the damage before you remove anything from your home, including water. This will ensure that you get the best reimbursement from your flood insurance provider.
• Remove standing water. This can be done by purchasing a sump pump or dry vac from your local hardware store or by hiring a professional restoration specialist to do the work for you. If you decide to do the work on your own, be sure to wear appropriate protective clothing such as boots and gloves because you will be working with contaminated water.
• Remove saturated objects such as carpets, carpet padding, furniture and clothing. Since these items are made from porous materials, bacteria can remain even after the item is completely dry.

When a flood hits your home, recovering from it can be intimidating. Taking the proper steps early can help prevent more serious flood damage to your home and health risks to you and your family. Check with flood insurance providers in Norman, OK to find out what coverage is available to you.
Visit for more information on storm damage

Taking Care of Business: Five Ways To Prepare for a Storm

6/16/2018 (Permalink)

Business owners of Norman, OK may experience fear and anxiety upon becoming aware of an impending storm. Receiving notification beforehand (via radio stations, TV news channels, and smartphone apps) can allow time to get prepared. Here are five precautions to take to keep your commercial property safe during severe conditions.

1. Prepare Your Office Building

Ensure that your office building is well insulated and that all air leaks are sealed with weather stripping. Water heaters and HVAC systems should be up to date on maintenance and inspection. Have a backup source of energy in the event of a power outage. 

2. Create a Plan

It is essential that everyone has a hard copy of a disaster and emergency plan. Have an evacuation route with a designated meeting area. List locations of emergency generators, fire extinguishers, and emergency kits.

3. Have an Inclement Weather Policy in Place

Some companies have a hotline for employees to call to get up-to-date instructions on what to do during inclement weather, which can inform employees to either come in later after the weather clears or to not report to work. Often, employers often allow employees to work from home during a storm.

4. Know Who To Contact if Damage Occurs

If any cleaning and/or repair is needed after the storm, contact your local damage restoration specialists. Bringing in a skilled team with the right equipment and know-how can ensure that the property will be restored to mint condition.

Weather can temporarily close down a business. Have a plan in place – and a restoration company on call – to deal with any problems that may arise, such as a pipe burst or loss of power. Visit for more information on storm damage

Maintaining Realistic Expectations After Flooding

1/17/2018 (Permalink)

Storm restoration in Norman, OK or anywhere else in the country, is a methodical process with numerous stages. It involves:

? Extracting the water
? Steps taken to tear out wet materials
? Drying the structure
? Doing another assessment to determine the next steps after water damage

Because restoring a home after flooding is not a haphazard process, you must be willing to exercise patience before demanding excellent results.

The Difference Between Promptness and Speediness

Professionals from a dedicated storm cleanup company understand how important it is to respond promptly to evaluate damage from excessive water. That’s why many of them go to water-damaged residences 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Although these professionals come to flooded residences quickly, they know how crucial it is to use their training in specialized restoration techniques and perform them carefully to ensure optimal results.

With that in mind, give the experts the time and space required to do their jobs properly and not expect extremely speedy results, whether they are handling the tear out process for damaged walls or taking care of another crucial step. Knowledgeable professionals strike a balance between arriving at a scene promptly and working as fast as possible, but not to the point of being too hasty. Achieving that goal leads to positive outcomes.

The Levels of Restoration Vary

Damage from a flood is not universal in certain neighborhoods or types of homes. That’s why people from Norman, OK may experience differing amounts of devastation. It’s not a good idea to pin your hopes on getting particular kinds of results based on the progress and results your neighbors and friends received with their homes. Instead, listen to the evaluations and advice given by a professional team.

From tear out techniques to remove a saturated material to initial water extraction techniques, specialists handle every necessity of storm restoration. They can help you recover your residence after severe water damage and get your life back on track.

Visit for more information on storm damage.

Water damage preventative tips

1/9/2018 (Permalink)

Although there is a wide variety of disasters that can strike a homeowner's property, Moore water damage is one of the worst. However, understanding these factors that can lead to water damage can help you prevent the disaster from occurring. SERVPRO offers the following advice to keep water damage away from your door. 

After a heavy rainstorm, water can begin to leak through the roof. Keep your house top in good repair. Once this process transpires, your roof, attic, walls, ceiling and furniture can be impacted.

River or Lake Overflow
If the banks of a lake or river near you begin to overflow, the lower level of your property could be subjected to flooding. The result is category 3 water, black water, that harbors contaminants such as bacteria, pesticides, and organic matter. If practical, install a sump pump in the basement.

Broken or Frozen Water Pipes
If a drop in temperature causes the pipes in your home to burst or freeze, your floor, wall voids, and furnishings might become water logged. When your Moore home is unoccupied for any length of time in the cold seasons, drain plumbing for water damage prevention.

Washing Machine Overflow
This heavy appliance is often the cause of unwanted standing water. Periodically check that the drain hose is secure to the drain pipe, and then taps are not leaking. Replace water supply hoses about every five years to prevent water damage.

Sewer Backup
If the sewer main is backed up due to rising water or debris, immediately call your utility company for repair. This black water can be dangerous, and the source must be stopped. A thorough water removal, clean up, and sanitation service should be started promptly by a professional company like SERVPRO.

Ground Water
Sometimes, water can seep into your property's basement through the ground. This water may be due to faulty vapor and moisture barrier construction, poor groundwater percolation, or foundation cracks. Mold can proliferate under these conditions, especially in a dark basement. Install a sump pump for these reasons, also.

How To Address Water Damage
Although experiencing any water damage can induce anxiety and cause a tremendous inconvenience in your daily lifestyle, knowing what to do when disaster strikes can enable you to get your property back to preloss condition with minimal costs. To ensure that you hire qualified water damage services, select a company that has an excellent BBB rating and employs IICRC-certified technicians. 

Call SERVPRO Immediately
As a team of trained technicians who have undergone IICRC certification, the professionals of SERVPRO are a top choice when you're in need of fast, effective Moore water damage restoration services. We respond immediately to your call and can get you back into your home "Like it never even happened."

Flood damage restoration

1/9/2018 (Permalink)

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (“FEMA”) reports that annual flooding events account for 90% of all disaster-related property damage. Flooding within homes and businesses causes damage to the interior contents and materials. It also degrades mechanical and electrical equipment, as well as damage to the foundation and structure of any building. After a flood event, it is vital to have a professional come in to determine the extent of damage and to outline the scope of repairs to restore your home or office back to a pre-flood condition.

Most of the flood damage in Normal is due to heavy runoff by rainstorms. This causes the Canadian and Little Rivers, as well as surrounding creeks' water levels to rise. There are also areas outside the City's floodplains that are susceptible to flooding. This is a time when you need the experts from SERVPRO to be on hand to determine if your foundation and superstructure of the building have been damaged by the flood event. We can respond promptly with highly trained technicians who employ specialized equipment and techniques. 
We are locally owned and operated and are proud to be a part of this community. With compassion and experience, we stand by your side from beginning to the end of your restoration process. We are leaders in the flood and water damage industry. With our advanced training, expertise and plenty of hands-on experience, we will quickly dry your property and help to restore it again. You don't have to worry whether we will show up when you call SERVPRO. We're dedicated to responding immediately. A fast response lessens the damage, limits secondary damage and reduces cost. 
We understand National Flood Insurance Program requirements, whereby federally subsidized flood insurance is available to everyone in the City. We can communicate with your insurance. For a stress-free claims process, SERVPRO can help manage the insurance paperwork and process. There is no flood disaster that is too large or too small. We are in the community to help our neighbors and give you peace of mind. Our storm and flood damage restoration process will have you back in your home or office in no time. 
We begin with a thorough inspection and assessment. Our water removal process begins immediately with advanced, powerful pumps and vacuums. Followed by our drying and dehumidification system, with our room measurements, temperature, and relative humidity equipment needed to dry your home or business. Cleaning and sanitizing must then take place. Our professionals are highly trained to provide cleaning and sanitizing treatments to remove odors and to deodorize. The final step is restoration with either minor or major repairs. 
SERVPRO of Norman is your one-stop, go-to emergency disaster, restoration company. We are available 24/7 with emergency cleanup and restoration service. Let us help ease your worries and confusion during these times. Call us today at (405) 292-0808 and let us answer any questions you may have.

Address the Mold After a Flood

12/22/2017 (Permalink)

Water in home or water in business can lead to severe mold problems. After a flood, mold can form in some of the more obvious areas like the ceiling or walls, but it can also form in the hidden and less obvious areas like the floor joists and behind the walls. Many of the molds can be toxic, which make cleaning a flooded home on your own dangerous. In fact, you're better off leaving the restoration and mitigation damage to the professionals because they have the expertise to handle flooding so that you don't have to pay more in water damage.

Solid Advice For Flooded Items

Outside drying it, knowing what to do with a wet carpet, damaged appliances or ruined furniture can sometimes be a tough call. With a restoration professional, he will inspect and evaluate your possessions to determine if they are safe for use. Unfortunately, sometimes even the best drying and mitigation efforts do nothing to take care of the problem.

Whether you have a flooded home or water in business, restoration professionals will be priceless in the fight against flood damage. Water in home can be a serious and costly problem if you don't attack it in the right way. Professionals ensure you pay as little as possible in accumulated damage, and they ensure you do it as safely as possible.

Visit for more information on water damage.

Handeling a Flooded Home with Mitigation

12/22/2017 (Permalink)

How to Handle a Flooded Home with Mitigation

Once you make the decision to hire restoration pros, they will come to your home and get the water cleanup done for you. They can do all of the drying that needs to be done, which helps to restore the home or business back to its original glory. Having an extensive amount of water in your home or having to deal with water in a business area is difficult to handle on your own, so be sure to contact a restoration company that's right for you.

Hiring the Restoration Pros for Your Flooded Home

The best way for you to handle flood damage and drying is to contact a local restoration agency. They will send one of their experts out to look and assess the flood damage that is apparent in your home or business. If you currently have water in the home or any type of water in a business that is standing, they will help to clear this away to begin the restoration process. If there is a pipe break or a full supply line break, they can handle the problem for you as well.

Visit for more information on water damage.

Choosing the Best Professionals for Professional Storm Damage Restoration

9/15/2017 (Permalink)

Choosing the Best Professionals for Professional Storm Damage Restoration

If there is anything that the country has learned from hurricanes Irma and Harvey, it is that regardless of how prepared you think you are for calamities; there are still some that will find you flat footed. In case your house or business has suffered extensive damage from the storms, you need to start thinking how you will make repairs. The best way to make this happen is hiring professional storm damage restoration experts. Below are some tips and guidelines to help you deal with every aspect of roof damage and home restoration.

Dealing with flooding

Storms are typically characterized by flooding because a lot of water is coming into the buildings from some sources. The first source of the flooding is rain water, especially when excessive. Another common source of flooding is burst rivers banks. If the area is close to the ocean, flooding might come from high tides sweeping the surroundings. Flood pumps will be needed for water restoration and storm remediation.

River flooding

River flooding is a little bit different from the regular water logging in the homes. Water from river flooding tends to contain lots of dead microorganisms such, which makes it very dangerous. River flooding waters will also have silt which is messy once in the building.

Storm damage and wind damage

When a storm is strong enough, the roof, windows, floors and other parts of the building will end up with a lot of storm damage and wind damage. For instance, experts claim that Hurricane Irma is moving at a speed of more than 100 miles per hour. This is enough speed to cause massive roof damage, roof leak and wind damage. The storm damage and wind damage can only be repaired by a certified home restoration expert.

Roof damage, roof leaks and roof repairs

The roof of the house protects the interior from the harsh weather. The roof is also the part of the house which is mostly affected by hurricane damage. Roof damage and roof leaks are common after a storm. Roof repair should, therefore, be in the home restoration plan after a storm. Professionals offer excellent roof damage and roof leak repairs and ensure your house is habitable after the water removal by flood pumps, water restoration and storm remediation.

Dealing with flood water and ground water

Flood water and ground water are the cause of most of the damage that happens during a storm. When ground water and flood water stagnate in a building, it results in the formation of mold. Ground water and flood water can also turn toxic if mixed with sewage. Flood water and ground water extraction ought to be done as soon as possible after the storm.

Hurricane damage and hail damage

Hurricane damage ruins all part of the building. When the temperatures are too low, hail damage also results. Hail damage and hurricane leads to the need for roof repair, ruins windows and even brings down entire structures. Hail damage, roof repair and hurricane damage restoration is the work of qualified experts.

Ice damage, ice damming, ice dams and frozen pipes

The most challenging part of storm damage is dealing with frozen pipes, ice dams, and ice damage. Ice damming happens when water or snow accumulates in certain parts of the home and forms an ice dam. If the temperatures are too low, water in pipes freezes, causing frozen pipes. Ice damage, ice damage, and frozen pipes are issues that storm restoration experts can resolve within hours. When contacting them, tell them specifically that your house has frozen pipes, ice dams, ice damage and ice damming.

Home restoration, water restoration and storm remediation.

In most cases, a number of the problems listed here will be present in a storm damaged home. Experts in storm restoration will start by using flood pumps to extract the water from ice damming. After the flood pumps, they will clean the interior of the home. Drying is the next step in the water restoration or storm restoration process. When the home is back to the state it was in before the storm, the storm restoration experts are satisfied with their storm remediation.
Visit for more information on storm damage.

Flood Damage Repair for Your Noble Home

3/7/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Technicians Provide Quick and Skilled Response to Flooding

When your home has suffered a flood, every minute counts. Therefore, you want an experienced company such as SERVPRO. Emergency flood damage restoration needs not only skill but urgency. Our staff is trained and certified to the highest standards in the industry and responds to your call right away, any time you need us. We mitigate the loss to your home and meet each challenge with reliability, professionalism, respect and compassion.
We recognize that flood damage creates a setback which is devastating to your family, and we do whatever it takes to give you a sense of security with the least disruption possible. Our recovery and restoration process in Noble is aimed at people and property. You can rely on us to lower the impact that flooding and water damage have.
We do not call it a day until you tell us we have met or exceeded your expectations. When your home floods, the water wreaks havoc on the structure of your house, the health of the inside environment, and your personal belongings. Several contaminants are in flood waters, along with much mud. High dollar items can get ruined very quickly, with just an inch of water. They include wallboard, carpeting, furniture, and appliances. A deeper flood or more severe storm can damage even more expensive systems such as the heater and air conditioner, ducts, private sewage, roofing, well systems, the foundation, and utilities.
Thorough Treatment and Respect
At SERVPRO, we use the latest equipment for drying, dehumidifying, disinfecting, and deodorizing. We restore your home so you can get back to your normal life again as quickly as possible. We offer flood damage services that are unrivaled in effectiveness and we always respectfully handle all of your property like it was our own. We respect everything in your home including collectibles, furniture, or your child’s sentimental artwork with the utmost care.
Our prompt response can save you fifteen to forty percent on flood damage claim costs. We rescue and restore lives and property with our expert methods in the shortest time possible and at an affordable price to you.
Our commitment to customer excellence includes you, meaning you can expect ongoing, effective communication and report from us during the entire remediation process. At SERVPRO of Norman, we understand your requirements. We give a complete estimate, including photos, to the agent or adjuster within twenty-four to forty-eight hours. Just give us a call at (405) 292-0808 when you experience a flood situation in your home.

Flood Damage To Your Noble Property

1/28/2017 (Permalink)

Flood Damage Cleanup And Restoration

Water damage from a burst pipe or West Branch Boone Creek overflowing can severely impact a home and its contents. Restoring your home is a process that needs a professional company which understands the requirements of both internal and external damage. Flood damage in Noble can also come from a damaged sewer line or even if the Canadian River breaks its banks. SERVPRO has decades of experience in all of these scenarios, a 24-hour response team, and has an extensive inventory of tools to deal with them all.

First, we examine the source of the flooding and attempt to either fix or block it. Our technicians do this to prevent a recurrence of the problem once we have pumped out any standing water. If not, any effort to remove it is like trying to bail out a leaking boat in the rain.

With the visible water removed, the next step is to deploy industrial-sized water extractors. These devices remove water that is trapped in your wooden floors and carpets. The goal here is to prevent warping and buckling of floorboards, to stop rotting and mold growth in carpets, and to prevent odors from developing. To ensure that any remaining moisture is drawn out, they then use special heaters that dry the affected areas without scorching the nape of the carpet or warping floorboards with excess heat.

Now that the water has been removed, our technicians use moisture meters to ensure that your home's humidity levels are normal. If the levels are not, then they will set up dehumidifiers to draw water out of the air and set up commercial-grade air movers to increase air circulation, replacing the damp air with a drier atmosphere.

Finally, we check the affected floors and walls for possible fungal and mold growth. Lowering the moisture level to normal will stop further mold growth, but if there is already existing mold, our technicians need to determine if surfaces and property can be cleaned or needs to be removed.

With no rain anticipated for the next week, now is the ideal time to call us at (405) 292-0808 to deal with previous flood damage or even to schedule an inspection to learn how to prevent future problems. SERVPRO of Norman is here to help you return your home and your life back to normal.

The Do's And Don'ts For Protecting Your Belongings During A Flood In Lexington

10/26/2016 (Permalink)

Protecting Your Personal Belongings During A Flood

Floods are pervasive, difficult-to-avoid events that have a habit of reaching into every crevasse of a home. Many homeowners invest in containers or fixtures to help secure their belongings during floods and other disasters; however, many of these containers are ultimately ineffective or even harmful for the items inside. Here are a few do's and don'ts for protecting your belongings in preparation for a flood.

DO: Keep Containers Bolted Down
When flood damage strikes a Lexington home, many of its first casualties are caused by physical force rather than staining or standard water damage. As objects are pulled, pushed, and thrown around by the unstoppable sheets of water, they are smashed and shattered against stronger surfaces indiscriminately. Any container should be either bolted to the ground, like a well-secured safe, or mounted to the wall above the reach of floodwaters.

DON'T: Keep Anything Plugged In
Many homeowners try to keep their electronics plugged into both walls and other electronics to avoid setup time later on. An excellent example is television accessories: these are often kept in a container near the tv but may have holes or an open top to allow wires to snake out. Always fully unplug and remove the wiring from any electronics, for both safety and restoration efforts.

DO: Place Objects High Up
Placing valuables in high places, such as on shelves, countertops, and in cabinets, can help them to avoid all but the heaviest of floods. Most floods never get more than a few inches in height, and so objects stored at a greater altitude than the rest of the room are usually going to fare the best. Be aware that the best places are wall-mounted or secured, and unsecured shelving or furniture may not protect objects stored on them, but instead create additional fall damage.

SERVPRO of Norman helps homeowners to restore and recover their belongings and homes in the event of a flood or other significant damage. Call us 24/7 at (405) 292-0808 to find out how we can help.